Buch "Die Geschichte der Waffenfabrik STEYR MANNLICHER" (Deutsch)
- Order number: 1-PR-09003
The history of the firearms production at Steyr is a good example of industrial development in Austria. Founded in 1864 by Josef Werndl, his company developed throughout the years into one of the most important industrial enerprises with great international importance. The historic firarms hall called "Waffensaal" is the heart and soul of the brand STEYR MANNLICHER in which history and present age are united in a most spectacular way. The historic collection of representative firearms and samples of firearms that were exported to many countries all over the world, as well as the architecture and furniture of the Waffensaal are most extraordinary. Highly artistic examples of woodcarving and wrought iron will not fail to impress you. The book you have in your hands will also inform about the beginnings of industrial mass production up to the presend day.
2nd Edition, May 2012
Language: German
Hardback Edition: 136 pages
Authors: Reisinger, Reinolf/Aigner, Friedrich
Print: Günther Hofer
ISBN: 987-3-902111-41-8